Pastoral Care Committee
This ministry leads the church to meet the specific personal needs of the Pastor and First Lady through prayer, service and support.
Prayer Ministry
“… for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
Presents the opportunity to be faithful to the command to pray without ceasing.
People Who Pray meet Wednesdays at 12noon
Sanctuary Choir
Providing an opportunity for choir members to exercise their gifts while leading the congregation in praise and worship.
Usher Ministry
This ministry is given to enrich the tone of the worship service by serving every worshipper with love and a smile, while meeting every need during worship.
Hospitality is a Biblical way to express the person of Christ to family and guest. This ministry gives leadership to this vital component of worship times.
Media Ministry
A ministry designed to use media (audio, video and print) to communicate the Word of God and enhance the worship experience of TAC. This ministry also provides audio recordings of all services.
Visual Enhancements Ministry and Historian
Van Ministry
To provide transportation to and from worship services and ministry meetings when needed. Call 723-7261.
Security Ministry
Horace Poullard
Providing safety to our members and guest
Parking Ministry Myrt Hollie
Emergency Shelter and Utility Assistance
For more information call 903-723-7261.