We believe:
That Jesus is Lord.
That when God (Theo) said “Let us create (make) man in our image” He intended for mankind to be in complete harmony with him and it’s kind as it was then within Theo (God) and Logos (Word); and today; as His Son Jesus Christ.
That God (Theo) is the author of all creations through the Word (Logos). Through whom all things were created.(John 1: 3)
The Holy Spirit is the power of God that in-fills the believer.
That Jesus is the Son of God born of woman through the Holy Spirit, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven. He now seats at the right hand of the Father as our Lord, High Priest and intercessor.
The Bible is the infallible word of God to shape the eternal destiny of mankind.
That Jesus came to redeem and reconcile mankind.
That we are now saved by faith; The salvation of the believer and the world Utopia will be fulfilled at the second coming of the Lord Jesus, the Christ.
That there is a resurrection of the dead to an eternal spiritual life; known as eternal life.
That at the resurrection all believers will receive a Christ-like body and be with the Lord forever.
God is love, Jesus is love: Jesus championed Love and that the believers’ perfection is governed by the word of God and graced by the Royal Law: “Love”