Written by Matthew Karns
Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
The congregation of the Church of God at Connoquenessing has recently received many victories far and above what we could ask or think! We have been praying for God to heal bodies and save souls and He has answered mightily.
These answers to our prayers have not been without tribulation. We have prayed and fasted for many years for God to send us those honestly desiring salvation from sin. But recently, our pastor has preached a series of sermons on how time is growing short. In this end time, souls need to be saved before it’s too late. We began to pray for a true “revival” in our community, and were inspired to take action spreading the gospel. Many of our members invited new people to church, and carried a burden for their salvation.
In September of 2021, one of our members began fervently praying for her parents, a Montana couple. Her mother became very ill from COVID-19 and nearly died, but God spared her life. Not only this, but God brought conviction onto both this woman and her husband. They made the decision to be saved, and God gloriously saved them once they made the effort to choose a home congregation and talk to a pastor. True Bible repentance came through for them both.

This couple soon moved from Montana to our hometown congregation in Pennsylvania. This was not a light decision, but one led of God after prayer and counsel with the pastor. They followed God’s will for them all the way across the country and He has blessed them richly.
Shortly after, a woman was saved who was reached through our outreach in Butler. After many weeks of attending church, the Spirit gripped her heart and she repented of her sins! She began to turn her life around, and soon invited her boyfriend as well. He saw the difference and wanted it for his own life. God soon miraculously saved this man also. After they had both decided on a life lived for God, the two made the decision to marry and honor God with their union. He was so good to them both.
Next, two different individuals who attended church from their youth were delivered from sin. After turning away from God as young adults, these souls had grown tired of sin and remembered where their help was. Praise God, He welcomed them home again with open arms.
One more woman was finally converted whom the church had been holding up in prayer for years. The wife of one of our faithful members, she never desired God for her own life until much later. After being diagnosed with cancer, she finally gave her life to God right at the end. She was able to receive her reward in Heaven shortly after– what a miracle!
While God has been busy healing people’s souls, He has also been busy healing people’s bodies. One man in his 70’s suffered a stroke and lost movement and other motor skills. This man is still relying on God to completely heal his body, but God has spared his life and is helping him make a full recovery.
Another man has relied on God to help him mend from a severe neurological disease. His testimony has been a great boost to our congregation’s faith and he has been a shining example of how to soldier through adversity. Though he faced a very difficult circumstance, he is now on the mend and we are praying he will also make a full recovery.
Finally, God showed that He has compassion for all ages when he healed a teenager from a potentially major condition. This young boy’s symptoms were alarming and reoccurring. After counseling with their pastor and praying much, his parents took him to see a specialist. God completely healed. There was no trace of anything to explain what caused his symptoms and everything that had plagued him ceased! A person of faith would never doubt that it was none other than the awesome power of God’s hand.
The Lord wants people to have as much faith in Him as they can and when they do, God rewards those people with innumerable blessings. There is no doubt that He has worked in many other ways, more than we could ever write, and hasn’t stopped yet!