Church History

Church History

The history of Macedonia Baptist Church began many years prior to the birth of any of us. We understand the earliest recorded history was destroyed by fire and all this is left was passed down from members – by word of mouth. Anyone with knowledge of additional information is encouraged to please share with us so we may share it with others.

Members first gathered and fellowshipped together in the year of 1876 in an old house at Granite’s Knob in Lucia. (The exact date is unknown as well as how long members gathered there) This house also served as a school for children that lived in the area.

After hearing an inspiring message about Paul on his way to Macedonia, Sister Hattie McDowell suggested the church be named MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH. Deacon Adam P. Sanders, Sr. and others decided this would be a good idea.

SOME OF OUR FIRST DEACONS were Deacon Adam P. Sanders, Sr., Deacon John Smith and Deacon Jim McDowell.

After a bad storm, the land and logs from fallen trees were given to church members. These logs were used to build the first church erected to the Glory of God on August 5, 1919.

A 2 (two) acre tract of land was purchased in the amount of $500.00 on September 9, 1953. Trustees Wesley Crawford and John Smith, on behalf of the Macedonia Baptist Church, were appointed to sign for said agreement. This land now houses our new Sanctuary, adjourning Fellowship Hall and connecting cemetery.

PASTORS that have shepherded this flock have been Reverend Sidney Davis, Reverend Doff Davis, Reverend M.L. Davidson, Reverend Barber, Reverend B.R. Robinson (1945-1957), Reverend I.G. Johnson (1957-1990) and Reverend L.V. Grandberry (1991 – 2011).

Our present pastor is the Reverend Byron McIlwain, Sr.

Present officers are as follows:

Deacon Ministry

Deacon Jerry Fernandez, chairperson

Deacon Melvin Brooks – vice chairperson

Deacon Joshua Clark

Deacon Anthony Forney

Deacon James Gooden

Trustee Ministry

Sister Velma Horne, chairperson

Brother Bobby Brooks

Brother Kenney Crawford

Brother Mashawn Dawkins

Brother Danny Horne

Brother Terry Johnson

Brother Bobby Webber

Administrative Assistant

Sister Dorothy R. Sanders

For all He has done and will continue to do –

we give Him honor, we give Him glory and we give Him all the praise.

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Macedonia Baptist Church