In Prayer

We believe prayer is one of the most powerful tools God gives us to use while on this earth. Each prayer is heard and each prayer is answered.

We are keeping the members of our family and our community listed below in our prayers today.

Prayer List

As always, we pray for our country, church, first responders, and schools. Please include the following people in your thoughts and prayers. God knows their specific needs.

Agnes Johnson

Alan Fortune

Alice Bolling

Alison Taravella

Alvin Marshall

Amy Forman

Anastasia Bishop

Andy Thigpen

Ann Gardner

Ann Sacre

Ashton Bailey

Audrey Barber

B.J. Cash

Barbara Goin

Barry Ritledge

Becky Snow

Bev&Carolyn Butler 

Bill Bays

Billy Childress

Billy Napier

Bonnie Lumpkin

Brenda Hayton

Bubba Bailey

Carl Thomas

Carol Catlett

Carol Morgan

Cayd Cottrill

Charlene Norton

Charles Cardoza

Charles Valentine

Charlie Adcock

Charlotte Horton

Chelsea Rankin

Chris Stevers

Christopher Robey

Chrissy Morgan

Craig Loving

Dale Banton

Danny Reardon

David Davis

David Nespeco 

David Taylor

Dee Lindsay

Dennia Grazier

Dillon Pardue

Dinah Hall

Donna Falwell

Donna Gentry

Doug Searcy

Doug Suddarth

D.W. Crickenberger

Ed Reardon

Ellen Pitts

Ellen Stevers 

Eric Taylor

Flossie Thomas

Gabe Prue

Gee Family

Gene Harvey

George Harris

Geraldine Crickenberger

Gracie Harris

Gwynn Maliikian

Harry Davis

Harvey Tapscott

Howard Haislip

Jack Harman

Jack Pleasants

Jack Shanklin

Jack Thigpen

James Baker

James Sacre

James Thomas

Janice Davis

Jean Burton

Jeanne Sheets

Jed Ferguson

Jerry Roach

Jill Sexton

Jim Beardsley

Joan Anderson

John Britton

John Smith

Joyce Drumheller

Justin McDonald

Karen Rinaldi

Kelsie Taylor

Kendall Farley

Kenneth Roach

Kenneth Evans

Laci Norcross

Lane Austin

Larry Dean

Larry Moyer

Lauryn Golladay

Lisa Wilkins

Lori Sharp

Luellen Hunt

Mable Kidd

Marge Wyatt

Marie Self

Marilyn Wickline

Mark Sipe

Markie Snyder

Mary Bishop

Mary Golladay

Mary Reardon

Maryann Breeden

Mert Thomas

Mike Forman

Mike Hunt

Mike Radcliff

Mike Sheets

Mike Sutter

Mozella McCoy

Natalie Ryalls

NICU Staff 

Nelson Morris

Norma Banton

Norma Searcy

Paige Roach

Pat Ryder

Pattie Hellman

Paul Walton

Raina Moore & Family

Richard Early

Ricky Ward 

Robbie Keaton

Robert Price

Roger & Judy Ward 

Ronald Maupin

Rose Bishop        

Rose Butler

Rose Denby

Rose Goolsby

Roy Sharp

Ruth Dudley

Ruth Wyatt

Samantha Herring

Sandy Davis

Sarah Roach

Scott Ferguson

Shannon Adcock

Sharon & Bobby Pollard

Sheri Nespeco

Sherry O’Brien

Sherry Parmly

Skippy Brown

Skyler Hall

Sonny Barnett

Stephanie Ebelke

Steve Leffler

Steve Morgan

Susie Taylor

Teresa Guiffe

Terri Price

Todd Newcomer

Tim Beach

Tim Fredrickson

Tim Hall

Tommy Tooley

Tony Stargell

Tony Wilkerson

Trudy Hoffman


Vicki Harris 


Virginia Clem

Virginia Hunt

Wayne Thomas

Wayne Tyree

Wes Easton

Wesley Gentry

Wil & Lisa Searcy

Will Fitzpatrick

Fox Memorial Baptist Church